Going out at night is good for your mental health

The starry canopy, the soft glow of street lights, and the calming lull of a world winding down — nighttime holds a charm that’s vastly different from the bustle of daylight. While the restorative power of nature and outdoor activities during the day is often emphasized, nighttime outings have their unique allure and potential mental health benefits. Let’s delve deeper into why nocturnal escapades might be the unsung heroes of mental well-being.

1. The mystical charm of the night:

There’s an undeniable mysticism associated with the night. Ancient cultures revered the night, finding solace in the moon and stars. This celestial connection has been postulated to evoke feelings of awe and wonder, essential for transcending daily stressors and grounding oneself in the universe’s vastness.

2. The calmness and stillness:

Nighttime outings, whether it’s a leisurely walk or simply sitting on a porch, offer a quieter, less chaotic environment. The reduced stimuli — fewer cars, fewer people, dimmer lights — allow for introspection, meditation, and a deeper connection with one’s thoughts. This stillness can be therapeutic, facilitating better mental clarity and reduced anxiety levels.

3. Breaking the routine:

A nighttime outing, especially if it’s not a regular occurrence, can serve as a welcome break from routine. Breaking the monotony of daily life has been shown to invigorate the mind, enhance creativity, and improve mood. A late-night visit to a park, beach, or just a drive can serve as a novel sensory experience, rejuvenating the mind.

4. Enhanced social connections:

While daytime outings often come with a checklist — places to visit, things to buy, tasks to complete — nighttime outings are more relaxed and focused on the experience. This lends itself to more genuine, heartfelt conversations. Sharing moments under the night sky can foster deeper connections, which are fundamental for emotional support and mental well-being.

5. The physiological angle:

Exposure to natural light at night, especially moonlight, can impact the circadian rhythm differently than artificial light. While excessive exposure to screens at night can hamper sleep due to blue light, a stroll under the moon might not have the same effect. In fact, it might even improve sleep quality for some people, which is crucial for cognitive functions and emotional balance.

6. Encouraging physical activity:

While it’s essential to ensure safety during nighttime outings, activities like night walks, cycling, or even dancing in a club contribute to physical activity. Exercise, no matter the time of day, is known to release endorphins — chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators.

7. Creative inspiration:

Many artists, writers, and musicians have cited the night as their muse. The tranquility and mystery of nighttime can spur creativity. Whether you’re looking to write, paint, or compose, nighttime outings might provide the fresh perspective and inspiration you need.

8. A different perspective:

Night transforms familiar surroundings. What might seem mundane and everyday in the bright sunlight can take on a different character under the shroud of darkness, bathed in the soft glow of ambient lights. This altered perspective can extend to introspection, allowing individuals to see their challenges, worries, and dreams in a different light.

9. Mindfulness and sensory experiences:

The quiet of the night often heightens awareness of sounds — the chirping of crickets, rustling of leaves, or distant sounds of the city. This sensory attunement can facilitate mindfulness, a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment. Being in the ‘here and now’ has been associated with reduced stress and enhanced mental well-being.

10. Overcoming fears:

For some, the dark holds fears. Confronting these fears, of course with safety measures in place, can be empowering. Whether it’s the fear of darkness, solitude, or silence, facing them can bolster self-confidence and resilience.

Precautions to consider:

While the night holds promises of enchantment and mental reprieve, it’s essential to consider safety. Always let someone know if you’re heading out, avoid poorly lit or secluded areas, and if possible, go out in groups.

In conclusion:

Night, with its serene beauty and calm, holds therapeutic potential. In an increasingly hectic world, it offers a sanctuary of stillness and introspection. So the next time you feel overwhelmed or simply need a break, consider stepping out into the night. Let the cool breeze, shimmering stars, and the vast expanse of the universe provide solace and remind you of the bigger picture beyond daily strife.